As we grow as a company, it has become increasingly important to specifically define who we are and what we stand for as an organisation. We believe that culture is the single most-important thing in any business. And that everything else – great customer service, a strong brand, passionate employees and loyal customers – flow on naturally from that. These are the core values we live by.
We love our customers.
Without them, we do not have a business. Nor do any of us have a job. We believe it’s easy to look good when things are going smoothly. But the real test of a company is when they go pear-shaped. We are determined to delight each and every customer, whatever it takes.
We value our people.
We believe that every business is only as good as its people. We want to attract energetic, talented people who want to go places. Because we’ll take them there.
Communication is everything.
Regular, open and honest communication. But even more importantly, direct communication. Our people don’t skirt around issues. They get to the heart of matters, even when it’s a difficult topic.
Leave your ego at the door.
We have no room for egos. Our people are humble, approachable and down-to-earth.
Be friendly and inclusive. Extremely so.
We want an inclusive workplace where everyone loves coming to work. Pure and simple. If you do not believe in this and will not do everything you can to achieve it, then you are not a good fit for Geeks2U. Also pure and simple.
There is always a better way.
We strive to make continuous incremental improvements to all facets of our business. We know that the best changes will always come from our front-line people, those closest to the customer. And since there is always room for improvement in everything we do, our work is never done.
The best idea wins.
Not hierarchy. Not seniority. We value healthy debate here — and the best idea always wins. Once the decision is made, we unite behind it.
Only the highest standards.
We will not settle for ‘good enough’ because good is the enemy of great. To many, our standards may seem unreasonably high but they are what set us apart.
It’s your business.
We love seeing our people treat Geeks2U as their own. We all have a personal, financial and professional stake in its success. Every company needs more people with an ownership mentality.
Fail early, fail often.
We have a bias for action. We believe that planning has its limits and that small experiments are the most effective way to test new ideas. We believe that we learn as much from failure as we do from success. And that the former leads to the latter.